Usually we would be gathering this week for church, community, and family Easter egg hunts. With the need for social distancing, we can't do our usual egg hunt traditions. BUT, we can still have some Easter fun. After all, Christ is risen! Eggs still remind us of the resurrection and the possibility of new life in Christ.
This year's Easter Egg Hunt @ A Distance is a way for us to stay safe, keep each other safe, and still have some egg hunting fun. Here's how it works:
We've put out lawn signs at designated addresses around Georgetown. Each sign is decorated with Easter eggs and reveals a number-letter combination (ex: 15 = P) that will help decode the secret Easter message.
Solve the coded Easter message by driving around to each address, finding the Egg Hunt sign, and recording the revealed letter into every blank with that number.
BONUS: How many total Easter Eggs did you see on the signs?
Even if you park and walk to some of these signs, remember to keep social distance!
Many of our addresses are homes of church members. Give a wave as you pass by the house to share some Easter joy.
All are in Georgetown. Each address has 1 sign with 1 code
110 Doe Ct
504 Chestnut St
404 Oak St
513 Military Street
200 Hiawatha Trail
102 Somerset Cove
172 Stapleton Way
106 Grisham Dr
192 Whig Court
221 Valley Forge Court
167 Delissa Dr
143 Treetop Court
108 High Pointe Dr
128 Johnstone Trail