Sunday Night Studies

Our Sunday nights are expanding! Adults are invited to choose from two Sunday Night Studies at 6 pm:

  • Technology & Faith with Pastor Patrick and

  • a Bible study of Acts with Barry Brock.

Everyone is invited to dinner at 5:30 pm before programming begins for all ages (adult studies, Youth Small Groups, Children’s Choir, music rehearsals).

Order Your Spring Flowers

Click here to order your spring flowers and support the GBC youth group! You can support the youth group's summer mission trip and youth camp and get great local flowers from Bi-Water farms. All trays (36 plants per tray) and 10" hanging baskets are only $25 each. 

Here is what is available: 

trays: green leaf begonias (red, white, or pink), bronze leaf begonias (red, white, or pink), impatiens (red, white, hot pink, or salmon), petunias (red, white, pink, or purple), vinca (pink, red, or white)

hanging baskets: begonia (dragonwing red), boston fern, impatiens (red, pink, or salmon), ivy geranium (red, pink, or lavender), million bells (pink, purple, or red), wave petunia (blue, red, pink, or purple), or a mixed basket of assorted colors

Friday, April 4, is the final day to place your order. Delivery will be the last week in April-- and makes for a great Mother’s Day gift!!

Toy Store 2024

The 2024 Toy Store is coming on Thursday, December 5!


Each year we host a store for families to come shop for their children (birth-14 years old) at a greatly reduced cost. Help us stock the store by shopping off of our Amazon Wish List ( If you shop from this list, it will send your purchase directly to the church building. Gifts of your own choosing are welcome as well. Toys/gifts will be collected in the HUB.


You can serve at the Toy Store as part of Families on Mission on Wednesday, December 4 when we transform the Fellowship Hall into a welcoming shop. If you would like to help when the store is open on Thursday, December 5, you can sign up for various jobs in the HUB.


Help spread the word for families who could benefit from this shopping experience! Register online at

Trunk or Treat

It's almost here!!!

Trunk or Treat is THIS Sunday, October 20 in the parking lot at the corner of East College and South Hamilton Streets. Come ready to help us judge the best trunk and collect treats!

*For those hosting a trunk, please be in the parking lot by 4 pm. Also, be aware of trick or treaters holding a teal bag to indicate they have food allergies (we'll have some extra non-food goodies to share if you don't have them).

GBC Homecoming

We are so excited to share GBC's Homecoming with you on Sunday, October 13!

That day we will:
-gather for Bible study at 9:30 am for Sunday School for all ages
-have a combined worship service at 10:30 am in the Worship Center
-celebrate Rev. Ken Holden as our new Pastor Emeritus
-take a church family picture immediately after worship in the Worship Center
-enjoy a potluck lunch after worship in the Fellowship Hall

No matter if you're here every week or haven't been in a while, we would love to be with you on this special day as we celebrate God's faithfulness in our past and anticipate a joy filled future.