Order Your Spring Flowers

Click here to order your spring flowers and support the GBC youth group! You can support the youth group's summer mission trip and youth camp and get great local flowers from Bi-Water farms. All trays (36 plants per tray) and 10" hanging baskets are only $25 each. 

Here is what is available: 

trays: green leaf begonias (red, white, or pink), bronze leaf begonias (red, white, or pink), impatiens (red, white, hot pink, or salmon), petunias (red, white, pink, or purple), vinca (pink, red, or white)

hanging baskets: begonia (dragonwing red), boston fern, impatiens (red, pink, or salmon), ivy geranium (red, pink, or lavender), million bells (pink, purple, or red), wave petunia (blue, red, pink, or purple), or a mixed basket of assorted colors

Friday, April 4, is the final day to place your order. Delivery will be the last week in April-- and makes for a great Mother’s Day gift!!