We are excited to offer an in-person option for Vacation Bible School this year while continuing to do our best to keep students safe. Thus, VBS will look a little different. But it will still have all the same fun of Bible stories, games, crafts, music, and dancing we are used to!
This year we are offering 2 sessions of VBS:
1 for 4 year olds - completed kindergarteners and 1 for completed 1st - 5th graders.
Each session has 40 slots available. This will help us ensure we have enough space for each small group.
Registration is available through the links below.
Please be on the lookout for an email to the address you provide a week prior to VBS. This will give you information about check-in/pick-up and your child’s group assignment.
Volunteer for one or both sessions of Vacation Bible School here!